Web Technology: A Definitive Guide
With the rise of the internet in the past few decades, technology is changing day by day. Today’s new is tomorrow’s old. The most common term associated with the world wide web is ‘Web Technology.’ Chances are high that you have come across the term before. It is often used in general terms, sometimes without even properly knowing what it means.
What Is Web Technology?
Web Technology is a general term for technologies used primarily in the world wide web. It can be defined as the technology systems use to communicate with each other. The interface between web servers and web clients uses the same term. The languages and multimedia packages that are used in conjunction with one another to develop and maintain web-based applications is commonly known as ‘web technology.’ From a developers point of view, it is the use of languages, frameworks etc. On the other hand, there are client-side web technologies, that includes the use of HTML, CSS and Javascript.From a non-developers point of view, the use of the web browsers that allow users to access the world wide web can also be termed as ‘web technology.

Integrating Digital Technology
Integration of technology in enterprises is essential and you can opt for open source integration without any second thought. Open-source integration is cost-effective than its proprietary counterpart and can easily be deployed for software solutions.Open source software has the edge over proprietary ones in terms of their transparency and code visibility. In commercial enterprises too, open-source software competes steadily with the high-end proprietary solutions. As the name suggests, the source code of the open source software is freely accessible by all. Not only that, in some cases, you can also make necessary changes to the code to meet your own requirements.Another favorable factor in choosing open source is that it offers multiple choices and are easy to adapt. Though there are some challenges with open source, like unstable software releases or the service quality of it, there are too many positive factors to consider it a viable option for the successful integration of technologies.
Troubleshooting Website Issues
In today’s world, building a company website is not a choice, it is almost a necessity. However, any website however well-built is not free from errors. Issues such as slow loading speed, lack of quality images, or clutter of images and text are most common among them. The good news is you can easily get rid of these problems by carefully scrutinizing your website and make changes to it. For example, you can have a clutter issue by prioritizing your needs. Your homepage does not need to have all the information about what you do. Just provide the basic outline of your work and that should make the readers more than satisfied with your website.However, to eliminate the issues, you need to address them first. So, scrutinize your website troubleshooting thoroughly, make a note of its current ranking in major search engines and make the necessary changes to rank it higher.