iCloud Email On Android | Know How To Use

Nowadays, on every Android device, there is a Gmail app, named Email. And if you want to use an alternative email, you can fulfill your wish by the iCloud Email app. It is a little more just like an IMAP or POP3 email address. If sometimes you want to move to Android from an iPhone, you can take your Apple email with you by this app. And for doing that, at first, you have to know the process of setting up an iCloud email account on Android.

iCloud Email

The uses of iCloud email on Android:

Nowadays, you will get two-factor authentication on iPad, iPhones, and macOS by default. So, if you want to access email on Android, at first, you should set an app-specific password. And if you will not do this, you will suffer from getting error messages. It will say your email address or password is incorrect. You can manage your Apple ID on Apple’s website from a web browser. At first, log in and search the security section, but you should remember that to get two-factor authentication you just need to keep an iPhone and another device also on your hand.

Now you will see a heading in the Security section named APP-SPECIFIC PASSWORDS and a link, by which you can generate the password. Click on it, and set a unique password so that you can identify the third-party apps easily, which you are using to operate your Apple ID. Then click on Create button, you will get the auto-generated password.

The Process of adding an iCloud email address to Android:

There are some steps by which you will come to know how to add an iCloud email address on your Android device. The steps are:

  • By swiping down, start the Settings to expose the notification shade. Then click on the Gear button.
  • Then you will find an option named either Accounts or Cloud and accounts. It will depend on a variety of mobiles phone settings.
  • Then select Add account.
  • After that, if you will find the Email option there, or IMAP option, which is present nearby Gmail symbol. Gmail will detect your iCloud address automatically if you select the Gmail option. And it will construct the proper server settings.
  • But one thing you should remember that if you selected the Email option, you have to add the server settings manually.
  • Press the Continue button to finish the process.

Now you have added an iCloud email address to Android successfully. We hope this article will lead you properly to solve your problem smoothly. If it is helpful, then give feedback in the comment section below.

Frequently Asked Questions: 

Can you check iCloud email on Android?

Your iCloud email can be accessed by Android. However, the process for Gmail is difficult you must add iCloud as IMAP, input and output SMTP server addresses, port number, etc.

Can I login to iCloud from Android?

Get online and sign up using your Apple ID and password to start with the iCloud website of your Android device.

Can I use iCloud on Samsung?

It’s pretty easy to use iCloud on your Android device. All you need to do is browse iCloud.com, 
add existing Apple ID or create new account, and you can now access iCloud on your Android 