Not every winner is a born winner. Some learn the skills and traits of the trade by gathering knowledge and making informed decisions based on it. The whole gaming set up needs to be updated with the latest technology to have any chances of enjoying the games and time both. Players are majorly worried about the weak performance of the Internet connection and router performance. Before a gamer sits down and buys everything else, it also runs a parallel search on the best gaming routers. They know they’ll come across such a situation sooner or later. They can save themselves some failed sessions and frustration built up in the process by finding the best router for gaming.
Serious players always consider it the first responsibility to buy the right router to achieve the target set for themselves. You need to run a check on all essential items that need to be changed or upgraded before throwing a challenge to other players. A router should be at the top of the list.
Big and small players like the concept of buying something that’s been exclusively designed to enhance the gaming and online streaming experience. ASUS ROG GT-AC5300 ticks all the boxes. It’s a dream router for anyone who’s willing to shell extra cash to get a list of premium features. The design aspect, alone, screams for some serious attention. The 8-antenna system is a bit futuristic with the latest Wi-Fi technology, Triband wireless frequency (2×5 GHz + 1×2.4GHz bands). It means you’ve got the option to have multiple devices connected without crossing the line.
The heart of the router is the Game Boost feature. You can activate it through ASUS Gaming Centre with a single touch of a button. The manner in which it works is the system will read and prioritise the packets to stabilise the connection when you attach the gaming console to it. The built-in VPN connection reduces the ping latency. The Game Intrusion Support System prevents attacks from the outside world. You’ll find several features designed to improve Internet speed. The internet link aggregation is an added feature to lend strength.
- NETGEAR Nighthawk X10
The Nighthawk X10 is a great leap into the future. It offers features which most of the routers fail or aspire. What serious players like about this product is it help them to focus on the game alone. They could be playing at 2.5 GHz or 5.0 GHz band the experience will be smooth and stable. It’s a heavy-duty machine offering extreme gaming and online streaming experience. There are not many products which casual gamers, 4K serious players, VR geeks would vouch for in the market. The Nighthawk X10 supports 160 MHz Wi-Fi that means players can experience thunderstorm speed at wireless mode.
- Linksys AC5400
Linksys has a history of producing some of the best routers the industry has. The one listed here is a heavy-duty player. The kind of features it offers make every single penny worth investing. The large antenna makes it run through a 4000 square feet house. The 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz has standalone operational functionalities to offer more choices. The 2.4 GHz bands offer speed of 1,000 MBps and 5 GHz bands offer of up to 2,166 MBps. A unique feature called “Seamless Router Technology” enables you to play games from a handheld device from any part of the house by connecting to the strongest available antenna next to you.
- NETGEAR Nighthawk Pro Gaming
NetGear has a massive fan following of serious players who’ve got a taste for high internet speed. Gamers have fallen in love with NetGear for gamers-only products that make them feel special. The P4 gaming aspirants wouldn’t find a better router to complement it. NetGear has introduced a feature “Dynamic Frequency Selection” (5 GHz band) which offers to add bandwidth, selecting channels and minimising interference while streaming.
- TP-Link AC5400
Serious gamers invest in modern routers such as this one to get the best out of gaming experience. They know they need the right gaming accessories or rig to have the compatibility factor helping all of them run smoothly. The Tri-band wireless connectivity enables 1,000 MBps at 2.4 GHz and 2,167 MBps at 5 GHz. The NitroQAM offers maximum speed and stability while playing games and streaming. The MU-MIMO functionality puts up to four Wi-Fi users to use the services by reducing the wait time.
- Linksys Max Stream AC4000
There are not many gaming routers which offer performance and features at an affordable rate. Serious or casual players would find it an ideal product in the living room. A tall-build with six antennas provide the best gaming experience or online streaming. The router has a 1.8 GHz quad-core CPU which enables each core to function independently. You can run multiple functions efficiently without experiencing slower performance in private or entire network. The router offers some excellent features as a part of Quality of Service (QoS). The one we’re talking about is called “Airtime Fairness”. We thought it was an exciting concept. It is designed to draw back band Wi-Fi from users connection speed and distribute it equally among all to have the same gaming experience. It puts all the users at the same level and enjoying the same connection speed.
- ASUS AC3100
The brand has become extremely popular among serious players. It has built a reputation of delivering top of the line gaming routers. AC3100 is one of the most successful products and doing exceptionally well in the online gaming routers section. You’ll find each penny invested worth the amount as the time passes on. The dual-band feature serves the purpose of using a limited number of devices. The MU-MIMO feature ensures you can enjoy higher connection speed with more than a single device running on. The players can efficiently manage the gaming packets through Adaptive Quality of Service (QoS).
- NETGEAR Nighthawk X6 AC3200
Some routers continue to defy time, technology and taste. The X6 AC3200 has been in the market for more than four years and still an old darling of the crowd. Its popularity is increasing with each passing day. Handling 3-multiple Wi-Fi bands with two at 5 GHz and one at 2.4 GHz and the option of customising each one of them is not something you find in gaming routers easily. The security aspect is again one of its unique selling points. You don’t have to worry about security issues as it uses the advanced features to stop anyone from accessing the network without permission.
These are some of the best gaming routers available in the market. Players know they need to find the right router to have the best gaming experience. The advanced technology has made it easier for players to have maximum control in their hands while playing games. The chances of connection speed putting the gaming experience at risk are long gone. The best gaming routers help players to expand their skills and have nothing come in-between them and games.